ServerPackCreator-Help Help

Run Modes


ServerPackCreator has three main modes in which it can operate or in which you can use it.

  • CLI (Commandline Interface)

  • GUI (Graphical User Interface)

  • Webservice (Provide a webservice through which to generate server packs)

There are a couple more ways to use/run ServerPackCreator which may or may not be helpful for you, depending on how you plan on using it:

-lang: Allows you to use one of the available languages for ServerPackCreator. I can not guarantee that each of the following available languages is 100% translated. You best choice is en_us, or not specifying any as that is the default, because I write ServerPackCreator with english in mind. -cgen: Generates a basic server pack configuration from the specified modpack. Examples: -cgen "/path/to/modpack" -cgen "C:/users/<YOUR_USER>/CurseForge/instances/modpack" -update: Check whether a new version of ServerPackCreator is available for download. If an update is available, the version and link to the release of said update are written to the console so you can from work with it from there. Note: When you installed ServerPackCreator using the official installers, this will try and attempt updating your current installation if an update is available. -cli: Run ServerPackCreator in an interactive commandline-mode. -withallinconfigdir: Runs generations for all configurations present in ServerPackCreator's configs-directory. -config: Generate a server pack from a specific server pack configuration from the commandline. Examples: -config "/path/to/serverpack.conf" -config "C:/users/<YOUR_USER>/serverpack.conf" -feelinglucky: Feeling lucky, Punk? This will generate a server pack config from a passed modpack-directory and generate a server pack in one go. No warranty. No guarantees. Examples: -feelinglucky "/path/to/modpack" -feelinglucky "C:/users/<YOUR_USER>/CurseForge/instances/modpack" --destination: Only effective in combination with -config or -feelinglucky. Sets the destination in which the server pack will be generated in. Examples: -config "/path/to/serverpack.conf" --destination "/path/to/desired/location" -config "C:/users/<YOUR_USER>/serverpack.conf" --destination "C:/users/<YOUR_USER>/serverpack" -feelinglucky "/path/to/modpack" --destination "/path/to/desired/location" -feelinglucky "C:/users/<YOUR_USER>/CurseForge/instances/modpack" --destination "C:/users/<YOUR_USER>/serverpack" -web: Run ServerPackCreator as a webservice available at http://localhost:8080. The webservice provides the same functionality as running ServerPackCreator in GUI mode (so no Commandline arguments and a non-headless environment) as well as a REST API which can be used in different ways. For more information about the REST API, please see the Java documentation: - GitHub Pages: - GitLab Pages: -gui: Run ServerPackCreator using the graphical user interface. If your environment supports graphics, i.e. is not headless, then this is the default mode in which ServerPackCreator started as when no arguments are used. --setup: Set up and prepare the environment for subsequent runs of ServerPackCreator. This will create/copy all files needed for ServerPackCreator to function properly from inside its JAR-file and setup everything else, too. You can pass a properties-file, too if you so desire. Examples: --setup "/path/to/" --setup "C:\path\to\" --home: Override the home-directory setting for your user. Can be used in combination with other arguments. Examples: --home "/path/to/directory" --home "C:\users\<YOUR_USER>\SPC"

Each of these modes has its advantages and disadvantages.




No need for a graphical environment. Can be used on a server to generate a server pack for immediate use.

Gathering of information for a configuration file is tedious.

Step-by-Step generation of a configuration-file with the use of the -cgen argument. Generated config will be used immediately afterwards.

No convenience features file folder-browsing or jumping to the generated server pack after generation.

Automate using -config, and optionally --destination, in order to create a server pack from a specific config, in a specific location.

Debugging in case of a broken/erroring configuration file can be time consuming. Careful reading of logs is required.

Manual editing of the configuration-file in case you want to change it.




Browse the filesystem for folders and file required by the configuration.

Requires a graphical environment.

Setting up a configuration by browsing the filesystem and selecting your Minecraft and modloader versions from a list.

Browsing the generated server pack after generation has finished.

Loading and saving different configurations for quick generation of multiple server packs in short succession.

Edit the configuration in the GUI. No manual file-editing required.




No installation/setup required if a public instance is available somewhere.

Requires someone to setup a publicly accessible instance.

Voting system to let users indicate whether a generated server pack works.

Requires somewhat modern browser versions.

Open REST API. Interaction with the webservice does not require a browser. You can request a server pack generation and/or download from the CLI.

Not all browers may be supported.

Last modified: 21 August 2024